It’s the most wonderful time of the year, so Andrea and Alex take a bite out of Tobe Hooper’s horror classic and all the film and cultural theory that goes with it because the family that eats together, stays together.
Year: 2013
The Black Museum Presents – Ghosts in the Machine: The Evolution of Found Footage Horror
From literary beginnings to its current status as a pop culture mainstay, found footage horror continues to make money and gain fans while bewildered critics look on. After an initial burst of popularity in 1999, it would be the influence of the Asian horror film […]
The Black Museum Presents – Killer Portraits: Iconography of the Horror Film Poster
Horror film posters have provide viewers with some of the most iconic images of the genre to date and, over the years, many have become collectible art pieces in their own right. But since the earliest entries in the Universal horror cycle, the primary purpose […]